
The basic tenet behind the concept of ASHIRWAD was the special treatment to a being or disciples by means of sprinkling the light of knowledge and the wisdom acquired by means of vibes of Gurus & Mahatmas. And mere in the holy presence of such sages produced a magnificent and blissful environment.

Ashirwad in MAHABHARAT is nothing other than what we usually see in TV episodes or such serieses comprising of Hindu mythology or a series based on such intellect persons and their theories.


1. सुखी भव ! – Always be at a pleasant site.
2. आरोग्य भव ! – May you be free from all sorts of ailments
3. विजयी भव ! – Was offered when warriors used To go to fight a war.
4. यशस्वी भव ! – May you get the praises by your action
5. कल्याणमस्तु ! – May your welfare be assured.
6. शुभ आशीष ! – May the auspicious blessings accompany you.
7. सौभाग्यवती भव ! (Female only) – May the good and auspicious fortune embrace you.
8. पुत्रवती भव ! (Female only)- Was offered to the new bride to give birth to a child