

Mahabharata provides us with a powerful narrative exploring the complexities of life and a framework of Dharma (among other concepts) that helps resolve the apparent conflicts and contradictions of modern-day existence. With better understanding and insights we would become better equipped to face the challenges of life and be successful. With our success we impact the success of our immediate community, nation and the world at large.


1. Bhishma
2. Drona
3. Vidura
4. Dhritarashtra
5. Kunti
6. Yudhisthira
7. Bhima
8. Arjuna
9. Nakula
10. Sahadeva
11. Duryodhana
12. Karna
13. Draupadi
14. Ashwatthama
15. Ghatothkacha
16. Abhimanyu