The 18 Puranas


Puranas are the stories of Kings and Gods. Passed on as oral tradition, later became written text. Over the period, the Puranas have taken different shapes. But after a certain point the main text now remains the same. The Puranas have the spirit of the Vedas and written to popularize the thoughts contained in the Vedas. They were meant, not for the scholars, but for the ordinary people who could hardly comprehend the high philosophy of the Vedas (Puranas of Hinduism).


1. Agni Purana.
2. Bhagavata Purana.
3. Bhavishya Purana.
4. Brahmanda Purana.
5. Brahmavavarta Purana.
6. Garuda Purana.
7. Kurma Purana.
8. Linga Purana.
9. Markendya Purana.
10. Matsya Purana.
11. Naradiya or Narada Purana.
12. Padma Purana.
13. Shiva Purana.
14. Skanda Purana.
15. Vamana Purana.
16. Varaha Purana.
17. Vayu Purana.
18. Vishnu Purana.