
This introductory course on the Sanskrit language is designed to teach to
the learner the basic concepts of Sanskrit starting from alphabets, covering
verbs and common words/phrases. This online course can be taken by
anybody who has a curiosity to learn about this ancient Indian language,
without any prerequisites. The course is structured in such a way that users
after first taught the basic alphabets along with animations, thereby
teaching them the correct way to write the letters too. The course also has
ample exercises built in to make the learning process more structured and
effective. At the end of this course, the learner would be able to read and
understand basic sanskrit, and also know common words and phrases
used for communication.


अक्षराणि – Alphabets
स्वराक्षराणि – Vowels
व्यञ्जनानि – Consonants
माहेश्वरसत्रू ाणि – Māheśvara sutras
स्वरव्यञ्जन योगरीति ः – Combined alphabets
शब्दाः – Basic words
एकवचनम/् द्वि वचनम/् बहुवचनम ्- Singular/Dual/Plural
क्रि याशब्दाः – Verbs
प्रथमावि भक्ति ः – Nominative Case
द्वि तीयावि भक्ति ः – Accusative case
ततृ ीयावि भक्ति ः – Instrumental case
चतर्थीु र्थीवि भक्ति : – Dative case
पञ्चमीवि भक्ति ः – Ablative case
षष्ठीवि भक्ति ः – Genitive case
सप्तमीवि भक्ति ः – Locative case
वि शष्ेयंवि शषे णंच – Nouns and adjectives
अव्ययानि – Indeclinables
लट् लकारः – Present tense
लङ् लकारः – Past tense
लट्ृ लकारः – Future tense
लोट् लकारः वि धि लि ङ् लकारः च – Order and request
उपसर्गा ः – Prefixes
सङ्ख्याशब्दाः – Number words
उपपद – वि भक्ति ः – Combinations of उपपदानि and cases
पदस्वरूप-वर्णनर्ण म ्- Parsing – nouns , verbs or indeclinables
Duration of time 50 hours / 4 months ,3 classes a week
Sanskrit praveshika for Intermediate
“Samskrta Praveshika 2” is an intermediate course and covers concepts like joining of words, forming sentences etc.सन्धि ः series (joining of letters /sounds in detail) covering.
अच ्- सन्धि ः
वि सर्गसर्ग न्धि ः
हल्सन्धि ः
आत्मनेपदि धातवः (लड़् लोट् वि धि लि ड़् लट्ृ) लकाराः other than लट् which is covered in Praveshika 1 कर्मणिर्मणि and भावेप्रयोगः (passive voice)
क्त , तव्य, अनीयर्प्रत्ययाः (some participles)
Introduction to poetry literature with some simple नीति श्लोकाः
Compound words
Duration of time 50 hours / 4 months ,3 classes a week
Interrogative words (question words)
Daksta part 1 Advanced
This course introduces the student to Sanskrit literature. At the end of the course, the student will develop the ability to study simple Sanskrit literature. He / she will experience sandhis and samsas in practice as they appear in Sanskrit poetry. The first part consists of subhashitani which is easier to understand for the student. Parts 2 will contain other works of poetry and drama from famous writers such as Kalidasa and Magha. Completion of all three parts will be equivalent to completing our on-site diploma course in SanskritDuration of time 50 hours / 4 months ,3 classes a week
Part 2
A continuation of our course Dakshata Part 1. This course will develop a student to even better understanding Sanskrit Sastras and Kavyas
Duration of time 50 hours / 4 months, 3 classes a week