
“Gajendra Moksha”, wherein Bhagawan Vishnu rushes from his Vaikunta abode, so as to protect the poor elephant Gajendra, which was in deep pain due to the clutch of a crocodile. As elephant Gajendra calls out fervently for help and prays to Bhagawan with a great intensity, Bhagawan rushes immediately to protect the poor elephant. Heavily injured as he was, elephant Gajendra was almost in a speechless state due to the immense pain and upon seeing this, Bhagawan Narayana Himself sat on the floor and tried to nurse all the injuries that it had sustained! Upon seeing this sight, all the great saints, Devas (Celestial Beings), Bhagawan Brahma, etc. were all surprised to bits! All of them talk amongst each other thus, “Oh wow! What kind of compassion is this! Upon seeing an elephant suffering, Bhagwan just threw everything apart and rushed down to protect it! How fortunate is this elephant to get a direct nursing and protection from Bhagawan Himself!” Goddess Mahalakshmi Herself was shell-shocked upon seeing this event unfolding! She was thinking within herself thus, “Oh wow! When I had incarnated as Mother Sita, I was abducted by Ravana for almost 10 months, and not even once during this time, Bhagawan turned towards me to protect me! Now that this elephant had just made one fervent call and Bhagawan is rushing all the way to help it!” As Bhagawan Narayana addresses the prayer to elephant Gajendra thus, He even goes to the extent to grant the highest “Moksha” to the elephant as well!


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